Student Resources
IGS has a CANVAS course, IGS_Advise, that serves as the portal for all things advising! Every IGS student should self-enroll in IGS_Advise using this link: https://uncg.instructure.
During the regular academic year, IGS Program advisors reserve time for individualized, face-to-face advising appointments. At the start of pre-registration each semester, an IGS Advising Reception is held to introduce and review Program, College, and University requirements, to present useful updates on the latest course schedules, internships, and co-curricular opportunities and to answer specific and general questions of concern to those in attendance. Other advising- and Program-related communications are relayed regularly via IGS_Advise in CANVAS and our IGS listserv throughout the academic year.
Email Yvonne Matlosz to be added to the IGS listserv or with questions about self enrolling in IGS_Advise.
For all advising appointments, please bring a copy of your most recent:
1. IGS Major (or Minor) Degree Audit (download a blank copy, ABOVE)
2. UNCG Degree Evaluation (download from your UNCGenie Account)
Why advising is important:
One of the greatest advantages of the International and Global Studies/Special Program in Liberal Studies is its distinctly interdisciplinary design. Not only does IGS collaborate with over thirty departments and programs from six of UNCG’s colleges and schools, but it cross-lists over fifty course offerings shared by those departments and programs each semester. For these reasons, and to ensure that all related major, College of Arts and Sciences, and University requirements are met, regular advising is essential to making appropriate academic progress and graduating in a timely manner.
Should I add a second major to IGS?
Due to the interdisciplinary character of IGS, it is very appropriate—even highly recommended—that IGS majors pursue a second major or minor that complements their primary program of study. Major fields that work very well with IGS include (but are not limited to): Political Science, Sociology, History, all modern foreign language majors (French, German, Spanish), Geography, International Business, Economics, Religious Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Anthropology, and Environmental Studies. When students pursue a second major or minor, advising (in IGS and the student’s other program[s] of study) becomes even more critical to maintaining the proper coordination of requirements.
Can I do a second major in IGS?
Yes. When a student has interests that intersect a second major-level concentration in IGS, the student may pursue a double-major in the Program. In these cases, students are not required to duplicate their core courses (a waiver will be granted for the second major, and the corresponding credit hours will be added to the Additional Courses requirements), they need only meet the International/Global Experience requirement one time (for students beginning their majors in fall 2014), and a waiver may be granted for the foreign language of the second major (unless both concentrations are in Regional Studies areas, where it is suitable to have advanced-level proficiency in a modern foreign language of each region [e.g., Chinese for Asian Studies + Spanish for Latin American and Caribbean Studies]; when waivers are granted, the corresponding credit hours will be added to the Additional Courses requirements). Again, advising is essential to ensure the proper coordination of all requirements and satisfactory academic progress toward graduation.
Contact Us
Sarah Gates Ph.D.
Director, International and Global Studies Program
Lecturer in Liberal and Professional Studies
103 E Foust Building
IGS Tel: 336.334.5560